Joyce Marter Quoted In Psych Central Article: 3 Relationship Pitfalls When Entering Parenthood & Pointers To Help

“Couples are often surprised just how much a baby changes their relationship and their lives. In fact, ‘A baby will change virtually every component of your life: physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, relational, social, financial, logistical and spiritual,’ according to Joyce Marter, LCPC, psychotherapist and owner of Urban Balance, LLC, which offers a Pre & Post Baby Couples Counseling Program.

Whether it’s your first or fourth child, your relationship still sees a jolt. As Marter said, ‘The first child most often brings about the greatest life and relationship change, but each subsequent child affects a couple almost exponentially, widening the scope of responsibilities and compounding family and relationship dynamics.'”

Read the full article here

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