As I quiet my body, my gaze turns inward. I feel the rhythm of my breath in my body, like the tides of the ocean and the ebb and flow of the river of life.
I connect with the life force energy of prana. I am prana.
I connect with my essence. I am my essence.
I stretch. I survive. I thrive. I grow and expand like the powerful great oak. So brave. So strong. I am flexible in the winds that make my roots grow strong.
I am kind. I am compassionate. I am humble. I am whole. I am vibrant. My soul sings and soars!
I release all that is not mine to carry. I breathe out all that is extra—all the residue—all that I do not need or that is no longer serving me.
Through movement and breath, I reconnect with my mind, body and soul. I am one with the conscious, compassionate, abundant and ever evolving universe.
I am Woman.
I am Mother.
I am Goddess.
I am the Humble Warrior.