Joyce Marter Quoted In Life & Beauty Weekly Article: Are You A Drama Mama? Know When To Back Off

“Your child has a fight with a friend. She’s in tears; you’re furious and ready to defend her. But should you? In this age of helicopter parenting, it’s hard not to step in when you see your child in a social dilemma. But that’s not always the answer.

‘In recent years, I’ve seen a trend of mothers confronting other mothers — by phone or email, or in person — to resolve their kids’ social issues; I call it ‘Mama Drama,’’ says Joyce Marter, a psychotherapist and the owner of Urban Balance LLC in Chicago. ‘It’s problematic on several levels: It not only crosses boundaries, but also prevents kids from developing coping skills and learning that it’s not a perfect world where everybody always gets along and gets included.’”

Read the full article here

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