Elevated Existence: July 2021 Spiritual and Self-Help Book Picks

The Financial Mindset Fix: A Mental Fitness Program for an Abundant Life,” by Joyce Marter In this step-by-step guide for cultivating financial well-being, therapist Joyce Marter noticed an extraordinary trend: as her clients improved their mental health, they also began receiving raises, getting promotions, finding better jobs, or starting their own successful businesses. She is now a go-to expert on the “Psychology of Success”― establishing ways to help you improve your financial well-being by focusing on your psychological and relational issues around money. In this book, Marter crystallizes her most powerful and effective practices for long-term prosperity, guiding you through 12 essential mindsets for transforming your relationship with yourself to welcome a life of wealth. Within each are exercises, self-assessment tools, and insights for shifting into a mindset of abundance.

Read the full article here.

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