Us Weekly (reposted by Ahlain News, News Block, News Break, News Logistics, Pop Star, and Stars Alert): Joyce Marter Details 12 Different Mindsets to Improve Mental and Financial Wealth in New Book

A must-read! Licensed clinical professional counselor Joyce Marter has created a way to help those in a rut or just looking to stay on the right track, both financially and mentally. In The Financial Mindset Fix: A Mental Fitness Program for an Abundant Life, Marter shares 12 different mindsets that, if applied, can help improve mental and financial wealth.

Marter, who has over 25 years of psychotherapy experience, shares her views on success, why zero-sum thinking leads to a negative path, triggers for financial risks, managing the desires of the ego and much more. The Financial Mindset Fix: A Mental Fitness Program for an Abundant Life is available on shelves and on Amazon Tuesday, July 27.

Read the full article here.

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