Featured on Choosing Therapy

Setting Boundaries at Work: Examples & How to Start

As you set boundaries, you are practicing self-care with every action. As you learn to maintain your boundaries, you are able to improve your self-esteem and strengthen your personal and professional relationships. Read the full article here.

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5 Quick Tips to Overcome Stonewalling in Relationships

Stonewalling happens when one partner shut down the communication process in a relationship for self-protection. If you’re experiencing stonewalling in your relationship, there are effective ways to deal with stonewalling and anger in a relationship while taking care of yourself. Read the full article here.


Is achieving work-life balance possible in this day and age?

Having a successful life requires having good mental health as well. We have learned from the pandemic that physical and mental health are inextricably linked. Delaying mental health care could have serious effects on your relationships with others, your career, and even your life. Read the full article here.


Stonewalling: what to do when it happens

In extreme cases, stonewalling can lead to the person on the receiving end believing that they are the problem. It’s important to recognize that this isn’t the case and to see your partner’s behavior for what it is. This can help you take back some power and agency. Read the full article here.


What’s your money story?

On this episode, Dr. Will and I chat about my work and how our relationship with money informs our financial decisions. Read the full article here.

Featured on Psychology Today

4 Ways Pregnancy Journaling Can Help You

Pregnancy journals can be kept for yourself as a private sounding board, a vehicle for you to process your thoughts and feelings. This allows you to keep the narrative honest and real, without feeling that you have to make everything sound like unicorns and rainbows so as to not hurt the babyā€™s or anyone elseā€™s … Read more

Featured on Youtube

How to stop quiet quitting

Quiet quitting is a rising trend where employees stay on the job but skate through by doing only the bare minimum required. To some, this might sound like employees are setting good boundaries at work. Others say this will have a significant impact on personal and professional development, not to mention workplace productivity. Even worse … Read more


The 20 Best Pregnancy Journals of 2023

Deciding to keep a pregnancy journal is entirely a personal decision. There are many positives, but expectant mothers already have a lot on their plate, so only choose to keep one if you want to do so. Read the full article here.

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